Action: Clone channel

Action: Clone channel

Clone channel action allows to create a copy of an existing channel from Microsoft team with the specified configuration options. You can select what to include in the copy: members, tabs and folders. 

Example of Clone channel action configuration on the current site

For more information about Action Builder read Action Builder introduction article.

Note 1: In order to use the action in Scheduled/Triggered Actions Teams Connector has to be approved by a tenant administrator and site has to be added to Approved sites list before this action can be used. 
Note 2: When you deploy the solution to another SharePoint tenant, it requires approval of Teams Connector on the deployment tenant as well. 

To configure the action additional properties should be specified:


Source teamyesStringName or Id of the team you want to clone channel from.
Source channelyesStringName or Id of the team you want to clone channel from.
Target TeamyesStringName or Id of the team you want to clone channel to.
New channel namenoStringName for the created channel
Channel ownernoStringId or email of a user
Clone membersnoBooleanCopies the members of the group
Clone tabsnoBooleanCopies the tabs within channel
Clone foldersnoBooleanCopies the folders from the channel



Modern FormsList ActionsScheduled/Triggered Actions



Output ParameterTypeDescription
ChannelIDStringReturns the Id of the channel as output parameter and can be used in subsequent actions.
ChannelNameStringReturns the updated name of the channel
ChannelDescriptionStringReturns the updated description of the channel
ChannelUrlStringReturns the full URL to the channel in Microsoft Teams

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