Action: Create invite

Action: Create invite

Create invite action allows you to create an invitation for the external user. The invitation is used to add external users to the organization. On invitation creation, the invited user is added as an external user to the Microsoft Entra ID. To access any resources the invited user has to go through the redemption process. 
NoteYou need to grant permission to the invited user to access the resource.

Example of Create invite action configuration on the current site

For more information about Action Builder read Action Builder introduction article.

Note 1: In order to use the action in Scheduled/Triggered Actions Teams Connector has to be approved by a tenant administrator and site has to be added to Approved sites list before this action can be used. 
Note 2: When you deploy the solution to another SharePoint tenant, it requires approval of Teams Connector on the deployment tenant as well.

To configure the action additional properties should be specified:


Emails to inviteyesStringEmail address or an expression to be evaluated as an email address of the users you want to invite. Email address should be separated with ',' if you invite more than one user.
Redirect urlyesStringThe URL that the user will be redirected to after redemption
Automatically send emailnoBoolean
  • Yes - Automatically send email
  • No - Email will not be send
  • Custom Value - expression based value (the result should return true of false)
Email messagenoStringCustom message that would be added to the invitation email body


Modern FormsList ActionsScheduled/Triggered Actions



Output ParameterTypeDescription
InvitedEmailsArray of stringsReturns the email(s) of the receiver(s)
InvitationLinksStringReturns the invitation link
FailedEmailsArray of stringsReturns the email(s) of failed invitation


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