Teamsware Studio Update 14.03.2024

Teamsware Studio Update 14.03.2024

New features

 Generate document action for Scheduled & Triggered Actions

Added Generate document action for Scheduled & Triggered Actions

 Convert to PDF action

Added Convert to PDF action for Modern Forms, List Actions, Automation Action, Scheduled & Triggered Actions

 Create invite action (M365)

Added Create invite action for Scheduled & Triggered Actions

 Create meeting action (M365)

Added Create meeting action for Scheduled & Triggered Actions

 Clone channel action (M365)

Added Clone channel action for Scheduled & Triggered Actions

 [[@Functions.GetFileContent('file path', shouldEvaluate)]] for Scheduled & Triggered Actions

Added new placeholder for loading file content in Scheduled & Triggered Actions

Bug fixes & improvements

Modern Forms

Version 1.3.49
  1. Fixed displaying content for hidden Multiple lines of test column with 'Append Changes to Existing Text' option enabled
  2. Fixed importing styles with Rule/Condition expression
  3. Fixed saving SharePoint group to Person or Group column for external users
  4. Fixed sequence execution of Upload document action for macOS

Background Features

  1. Added notification for the solution owner when background calculation fails

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