Teamsware Studio Update 25.04.2024

Teamsware Studio Update 25.04.2024

New Features

Selective Deployment for API deployment

Selective deployment is available on creating API deployment service on the Deployments tab.

Moreover, you can configure different deployment configurations for Initial and Update deployments on updating API service. This means every new deployment on this service will take configuration from Initial deployments and every update from the Update deployment.

File Viewer control on Modern Forms

Added File Viewer control on the Modern Forms. It allows to preview files on the forms.

It allows configuring Static path or building Dynamic path using expressions. Dynamic path returns a path to the file on the current site.


Bug fixes & improvements

Modern Forms

Version 1.3.53
  1. Fix: Open web page action execution for the case if the Current window option is used (Parent window option renamed to Current window)
  2. Fix: uploading files to the library with invalid lookup column value
  3. Fix: Folder content type by opening SharePoint out of the box form when renaming the folder

Background Actions (Scheduled & Triggered Actions)

  1. Added [[@Actions.Scope.WarningMessages]] output placeholder to the Scope action

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